Florin Ilea, Massage Therapist, Romania

Massage Therapist Florin Ilea

Massage Therapist Florin Ilea highlights the enhanced treatment capacity, pain reduction, and improved patient outcomes experienced in his practice since incorporating ANF Therapy®️ in his practice.

Ramzan Mohamed Rafiq, Physical Therapist, United Arab of Emirates

ANF Therapy Interviews - Ramzan Mohamed Rafiq

Ramzan Mohamed Rafiq, a physical therapist in Dubai, shares his experience with ANF Therapy and how it helped him treat his patients effectively. Discover how ANF Therapy can be a valuable tool for therapists and patients and why healthcare professionals should try it.

Alexandra Zjalic, Physiotherapist, Austria

Physiotherapist Alexandra Zjalic

Physiotherapist Alexandra Zjalic joined ANF Therapy®️ to help her chronic pain patients and found the experience “mind-blowing.” ANF Education offers courses in advanced palpation skills using ANF Devices, which can help reduce pain and swelling.

Santiago Villamil, Physical Therapist, USA

ANF Academy Interview with Santiago Villamil

Physical therapist Santiago Villamil discusses the transformative effect of incorporating ANF Therapy®️ into his practice, improving patient recovery rates and pain management.

Claire Dunkley, Nurse, Australia

Claire Dunkley ANF Instructor and Therapist

The article features an interview with Claire Dunkley, a registered nurse who became an ANF Instructor after learning ANF Therapy®️ Education. She discusses how ANF Therapy®️ has helped her to address chronic pain, the benefits of ANF devices, and the positive feedback she has received from her patients. The interview also emphasizes the comprehensive education and support provided by ANF Academy.