AP2 – Neurological Fusions & Biochemical Resources
Course content:
- Definition of neurological oscillation weakness or Silent Killer, its consequences on the patient’s health and how to recognize the most common signs and symptoms.
- Deeper knowledge about the 3 most important biochemical antioxidants in the body and how ANF can help neutralize oxidative stress and restore the body’s ability to heal.
- The biochemical role of the Cardiovascular System in neurological dysfunctions on orthopedic injuries.
- Design of ANF protocols using Pain & Inflammation, Antioxidants, Mental and Cardiovascular devices.
Diagnosis Scope:
- Chronic injuries
- Muscle degeneration
- Recovery
- Performance
- Bone spur, heel spur
- Wound healing
AP3 – ANF Methodology for Optimizing Neurological Oscillation
Course content:
- The ANF Therapy® Method based on phases of healing after tissue injury
- Palpation techniques to include in the ANF Clinical Examination to evaluate the injured tissue
- Device application techniques and placements skills to achieve better results
- Design a well-organized treatment plan following the phases of healing.
- Standard ANF Devices placements and ANF protocols for basic common injuries
Diagnosis Scope:
- Inflammation
- Tissue Healing
- Tissue remodelling
- Maintenance
AP4 – Neurological Energy Resources
Course Content
- Understanding the energy in the human body, body biofunctions and in relation to different types of pathologies
- Consequences of energy disruption and the importance of optimal body balance, healing, and recovery
- Implementing the ANF Energy Devices in ANF protocols for achieving specific goals
- Application of the ANF Energy Devices in Orthopedic injuries, Sport and Rehabilitation
Diagnosis Scope:
- Rehabilitation & pre/post-surgery rehabilitation
- Muscle weakness
- Scoliosis
- Scars & scar adhesions
AP5 – Lymphatic System & Neurological Communication
Course Content
- Functioning, anatomy and mechanism of the lymphatic system and its relation to the patient’s health, immune system, and self healing ability
- Healthy vs dysfunctional lymphatic tissue and the consequences within the body
- Integrative understanding of the relationship between the lymphatic system and different pathologies
- Basic lymphatic system assessment and basic integrative approach and treatment with ANF Therapy®
- ANF basic lymphatic protocol, clinical benefits and special considerations
Diagnosis Scope:
- Lymph node inflammation
AP6 – Advanced Use of ANF Neuro Tech Device for Orthopedic Injuries
Course Content
- Understand the root cause through a better knowledge of injuries
- Guidelines to find the root cause on patients with pain and inflammation
- Updated and advanced combinations with new ANF Devices to design advanced ANF protocols
Diagnosis Scope:
- Joint injuries
- Skeletal inflammations
- Enthesopathy
- Fasciitis
- Sports injuries
- Stress injuries
- Spine injuries